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BEautifully Unwinding

Sep 8, 2022

Today on the podcast, Jay Aedo, an international entrepreneur, teacher of practical philosophy and children book author shares how we can empower children from all over the world through consciously rewriting stories - specifically bible stories. That these stories can be told and shared from a superconscious perspective rather than a narrative of victimhood, fear of responsibility and accusing others for our own mistakes. Jay says” it only takes one generation to create an unrecognizable world. This is both practical and attainable. We just have to rewrite the program, empower our children and enjoy the journey.

A short list of topics we cover: 

  • The unintended effect of bible stories
  • Beliefs and how they change us
  • How history is shaped by stories and we have the power to re-write them
  • The one generation of conscious parents who can change humanity
  • Why we need to rewrite old stories

These conversation are fuel for my soul. I hope this one inspires you in some way. Please consider sharing this episode with a friend and connecting with us on Instagram @beautifullyunwinding. With love, light + gratitude….


Instagram: @conscious_bible_stories




Instagram : @beautifullyunwinding


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*This podcast is for entertainment purposes only. By listening to this podcast, you agree not to use this podcast as medical advice to treat any medical condition in either yourself or others, including but not limited to patients that you are treating. Consult your own physician for any medical issues that you may be having.