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BEautifully Unwinding

Jun 29, 2023

Sophie Frabotta, a fierce healer, heart centered soul leader and referred to by her clients as the soul whisperer is our guest today. She shares how to follow spirits guidance back to the truth of who you really are. She says logic which rules the 3rd dimension is great but out of balance, as we raise our...

Jun 15, 2023

Stanford School of Medicine professor, author, and mindfulness expert Greg Hammer, MD explains how setting positive intentions can change the brain, the way you think, and expand gratitude for the present moment. 

What is your intention?  We would be well served by posing this question to ourselves as we start each day-...

Jun 1, 2023

Acclaimed transformational expert, author and entrepreneur Shirin Etessam is on the podcast today. Shirin’s upcoming book FREE TO BE: A six week guide to reclaiming your soul hits bookstore shelves on June 6th. 

Highlights from this conversation with Shirin include: 
  • What the soul is and why soul work is...