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BEautifully Unwinding

Aug 26, 2021

Listen in as Dr. Jennifer White-Baughan, a clinical psychologist with over 29 years experience specializing in trauma healing and her daughter Bristol Baughan, the founder of Inner Astronauts (a leadership coaching company and now weaver for the regenerative community) share their journey navigating intergenerational...

Aug 19, 2021

Listen in as Sena Gonen a Spiritual Enthusiast and Conscious Teacher shares her transformation and healing journey of keeping one small promise a day of connecting to her body through stillness. During this episode we discuss the ability to stand in ones power when you know you have your own back, meeting yourself in...

Aug 12, 2021

On this weeks episode of Beautifully Unwinding, the Podcast Host, Tisha Weber, shares the story behind the reel that resonated with many of her Instagram followers. The message of the reel and this episode is that her daughter Haley (12) reminds her to celebrate, focus on your personal best, play/swim because you love...

Aug 5, 2021

Deborah Goslin, Montana's first certified Forest Therapy Guide shares her knowledge, wisdom and insight on how humans can use the forest as the therapist to experience childlike curiosity, enter the liminal world, experience synchronicities and magic, meet one's self and so much more. 

