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BEautifully Unwinding

Dec 16, 2021

Catherine Anderson's self discovery journey has taken her from a career as an attorney, to photography-franchise owner to creative-workshop facilitator, author and more! From Durban, South Africa where she was born, to Cape Charles, Virginia where she now lives. She loves being a creative mid-wife assisting others in giving birth to their creative eye and guiding them to express themselves in the world. She teaches SoulCollage®, photography and creativity workshops and retreats around the world.

Topics we cover in this episode:

  • Connecting to the subconscious through Visual Journaling, The Labyrinth And SoulCollage®
  • Trick your mind, don't create art, instead experiment with colors, experiments are the pathways to where you are going. 
  • Why creative soul time MUST be a priority every day. 
  • Consciously create by listening to the expansion and contraction within the body during creative work. 
  • Our bodies respond to images by asking questions. 

Thank you so much for listening in today for being open to the curiosity of what healing might look like for you. If this conversation has you curious and wanting more you can find Catherine's contact information in the show notes below. In addition, I have created a FREE journal prompt pdf to help you breakthrough the cycles that are causing you to feel stuck! - to access click click > FREE JOURNAL PDF : BEautifully Unwind One Page at a Time

Have a magical day my friends!


Instagram: @catherineandersonstudio



Instagram : @beautifullyunwinding


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