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BEautifully Unwinding

Sep 28, 2023

"As children, the first emotion that warned us that “something is off“ within our system was anger. One of the rules of anger is to signal when a need is not met, a boundary is crossed, a pain is not acknowledged, or truth is not allowed. So, every time anger is triggered in the present moment, the whole body says, “I still remember the pain!“ or “ There’s still pain!”"

Ally Wise, is a Life Transformation Coach with a focus on Self-connection, trauma resolution and nervous sytem healing. Throughout her healing journey, she came to a point when she understood that trauma resolution is the vehicle where her pain and purpose met one another, joined forces and a new path was born for her - liberation through transforming trauma. I've been following Ally on Instagram for awhile now and asked her to be a guest on the podcast to learn more about her journey and dive deeper into the ways we can unlearn survival and invite ease in to our relationship with anger. 

Highlights from this conversation with Ally include:

  • How to work with anger? 
    • Change your perspective & relationship to anger. 
      • Open up to seeing anger in a new way; from a new perspective. Open up to befriending anger, asking for Her guidance and truth.
      • Anger mirrors all the pain that was not acknowledged and all the potential that was hidden, buried.
        • Shutting down anger disconnects you from your POWER 
    • Embodiment and regulation
      • Before anger softens and givest us access to her wisdom, our nervous system needs to regulate and modulate its intensity.  
    • Trauma healing is complex, it's a portal towards evolution & requires such a deep level of attunement, love + compassion. Attunement comes from sensitivity. 

Links + Contact Information Mentioned in this Episode ⬇️: 

Connect with Ally

Connect with Tisha

Instagram : @beautifullyunwinding

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With gratitude...